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Stardate: Supplemental

Apr 29, 2018

Velara III is an empty world and yet the housing situation is still a nightmare, with all four of its terraforming residents sharing a single, snug, Velara Base. Dr. Kurt Mendl seems like peak creepy German scientist, and all Arthur and Bjorn wants is to start the metal band of their dreams. The local silicon-based...

Apr 22, 2018

Is Starbase 74's Commander Orfil Quinteros actually evil mirror universe Picard? He has the goatee and habit of uncomfortable touching to make a good case that at the least he's Creepy Picard. But never fear, Dane "Double Horgon" McMurphy is there with his peak 80's rugged good looks as Chief of Operations to build...

Apr 15, 2018

Before the Enterprise, one Jean-Luc Picard was captain of the USS Stargazer. With his BFF Jack Crusher, this Nausicaan-fighting, Dom-jot hustling JLP was quite a ways from the mature diplomat-explorer he later becomes. It's the Cardassian War, there's problems with the Ferengi, and what's the deal with time-displaced...

Apr 8, 2018

The SS Tsiolkovsky is doing what all Oberth-class vessels do, making science and trying not to blow up while looking at a collapsing red giant star. Then it gets a bad case of polywater intoxication and it's party until you freeze to death. Captain Misha Volkov is suffering from major career burnout, so instead of...

Apr 1, 2018

Doing cool science and flipping the bird at the Romulans is a job for the Galaxy-class boys. So what's left for an Excelsior-class has-been like the USS Hood? Bus duty for admirals and other dignitaries. That's what. Captain Robert DeSoto's looking at a long career without his best wingmen now that Riker and La Forge...