Jun 25, 2018
The Erstwhile might be a class 9 sublight cargo freighter using the same studio model as half the freighters in the Star Trek universe with a lonely crew of one, but when that crew member is none other than the outrageous Okona, you know you're in for a good time. Do Klingons ever have man buns? Does bad boy Jake have...
Jun 18, 2018
Captain Taggert of the USS Repulse should be overjoyed when Doc Pulaski high-tails it for the Enterprise, but he's already wrapping a bow on a shuttlecraft to get her back. Is it Stockholm syndrome? Do the Excelsior-class ship captains have their own mailing list? What happens when Admiral "Old As Balls" Bones takes...
Jun 11, 2018
We ran out of starships to talk about in season 1 of TNG, so it's time for our first season end spectacular. Say goodbye to the shuttlecraft we leave behind! Say hello to pretty boy shuttlejock Jake Kurland. Can the Next Generation producers mess up the first appearance of Romulans in the series? Boy can they! Can Kyle...
Jun 6, 2018
Captain Rixx is one of the best captains in Starfleet, and the first Bolian to command a starship. Which still isn't enough for the USS Thomas Paine to get any actual screen time. What's a New Orleans-class starship like? How far down does a Bolian's ridge go? Pacifica is the premiere destination for Federation...