Jul 23, 2018
Riker is taking an internship on the IKS Pagh to make up for some missing Academy credits and he's a bit overeager to improve Klingon/Human "relations". He'd better hope he's been keeping his bones strong, because Vekma the "Klingon lady Riker" of the Pagh has polished her headridge and is ready to show the ship's...
Jul 15, 2018
The Darwin Genetic Research Station is hell-bent on making Kahn 3.0 wearing a neon onesie. Is it the clashing colors that are distracting Starfleet from catching on? Doc Kingsley and her fellow ultra-racist eugenics BFFs are all now aging rapidly as their eerie adult-looking kids kill them with weird immune systems and...
Jul 1, 2018
After over 70 years of running supply missions, the Miranda-class cruiser USS Lantree might consider having its crew dying from "geriatric symptoms" and being blown up as a merciful death. It's not easy being in the second-worst class of starships in Starfleet. Do Miranda captains trade cocktail recipes to dull the...