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Stardate: Supplemental

Mar 25, 2019

Kivas Fajo is the 24th century's evilest prancing billionaire, and the Jovis is his spaceship home slash art gallery of choice. Is he jacking Data from the Enterprise, or is the inner comic book geek in him lusting after possessing the one and only time-displaced actor turned Starfleet officer, Viggo Mortensen? Who...

Mar 18, 2019

Gomtuu, the living ship, is so lonely it could literally die. Tam Elbrun, the most annoying Betazoid in the galaxy with possibly the worst pants ever, wants to be BFFs, though. What's a giant space-dwelling sunflower seed to do? Where do you talk dogs for walksies on starships? Do Klingons like RPGs, or love RPGs? Does...

Mar 11, 2019

We're breaking our own rules when the USS Enterprise-C pops out of a time rift to show off some classy movie-style uniforms and perhaps the handsomest pilot in Starfleet. They just escaped near destruction, but bad luck for them, they have to go back! The USS Hood faces its questionable namesake under the command of...

Mar 4, 2019

Doctor Nel Apgar has two problems: hiding the fact that he's secretly working for the Romulans, and his totally not-cool jealousy issues regarding his wife. How is going to solve them both? The classic evil scientist way, with attempted murder! Too bad for him he screws up so bad he blows himself up, and too bad for us...